International Competition for Chamber Opera Theatre Composition


ART. 1 We announce the third edition – 2010 – of Fedora Award for Chamber Operas composition.

ART. 2 The competition is open to composers of any nationality without age limit . To be eligible for the competition, compositions must be unpublished, unperformed, even partially, and never awarded in other competitions.

ART.3 The librettos can be written in one or more official languages of the European Community. For languages other than, Italian English, French, German and Spanish, unabridged translation in English language with the original text on the opposite page is required. In Any case, in addition, participants shall provide a short synopsis of the libretto typewritten in Italian and English.

ART. 4 The scores must conform to the following specifications:
– No more than 5 solo voices; one or more soloists can be substituted by acted or danced roles, not exceeding anyway the total of five characters.
– Possible presence of a chamber choir (of up to 12 singers);
– Instrumental ensemble of no more than 15 performers. Amplified and electro-acoustic instruments are permitted;
– Duration of no less than 45 minutes and no more than 60 minutes;
– Only one scene setting.
Should works include the use of non-conventional typefaces or symbols: explanatory tables of signs are required for proper interpretation of them.

ART. 5 The Competition is organized as follows:
During first step, participants should forward an opera plan by 20/03/2010 including:
– extract of the score lasting at least 15 minutes ( five,5, copies).
– unabridged libretto and its possible translation, as specified in Art.3 ( five,5, copies).
– summary (synopsis) in Italian language ( five,5, copies).
– summary (synopsis) in English language ( five,5, copies).

The Jury will meet to evaluate the projects and choose as maximum three opera plans that will be admitted to the second step.
The composers of the three selected opera plans will have to forward, by 15/10/2010:
– completed full score.
– one copy of the vocal score.
– note of possible differences between libretto sent for the first step and definitive text of final full score.
For any deadline, postmarks will bear witness.
The Panel will meet again to valuate completed full scores and deliver the definitive judgement.

ART. 6 The Panel will be able to decide not to proclaim any winning opera, to proclaim two ex-aequo winners or to point out one or more winning operas (even ex-aequo). Only the winning opera will be able to take advantage of the title of “Winning Opera of Fedora Award 2010”

ART. 7 Composers of winning opera commit themselves to forward to the Artistic Direction or to other characters pointed out, all performing materials in between 15 days starting from the official announcement of the final result, bearing all delivery expenses. Composers also commit to forward to the Artistic Direction and to all the performers all information needed for the performance.

ART. 8 The world premiere of the winning opera/operas will take place in Verbania in stage performance with costumes and settings during 2011. The Artistic Direction will also consider to perform the opera/operas in other theatres or festival whenever the artistic level of co-operating Companies should be considered suitable. In the period between the date of advancement to the second step of the selected operas and the date of the performance, scores cannot be totally or even partially performed, cannot be filmed and recorded on audio-video supports, cannot be broadcasted by radio or television or any digital advice, cannot be the subject of any contract regarding the exclusive right of edition and/or performance, of filming and/or recording.

ART.9 The Panel is composed as follows:
– Louis Andriessen, Netherlands;
– Giovanni Bietti, Italia;
– Lyell Cresswell, New Zealand;
– Enzo Restagno, Italia.

ART. 10 For the first step of the competition, the abstract of the score, libretto in unabridged version, its possible translation (see ART. 3) and synopsis must be sent with a distinguishing alphanumeric of 10 typefaces code on. The same code has to be written on another closed envelope containing:
– Name, surname, place and date of birth, citizenship, address, telephone number and e-mail address.
– CV containing information about artistic career and studies.
– Two pictures of the composers.
– A personal declaration of the composer in which he testifies under his own responsability, that the composition is unpublished, never previously awarded or performed.
– Declaration of agreement for free shooting and recording of the opera for its promotion and filing.
– Authorization to handle his personal information supplied for his/her participation to the competition to the limited extent of the competition management, according to the provisions of Italian law N. 675/96.
– Receipt of transfer of €60 (sixty/00) registration fee after bank taxes and currency change expenses on the following bank account:
IBAN CODE IT 71X 050 1022 40000000000 1283 –
registered in the name of Atelier La Voce dell’Arte.
What indicated above must be sent in a single packet to:
“Atelier la Voce dell’Arte”, Via della Repubblica, 7 – 28193 – Verbania (VB), Italia.

ART. 11 Registration fee will be refunded only in case competition should not take place for force majeure reasons or for any other reasons not depending on Artistic Direction’s will.
ART. 12 Composers of operas to be performed will be hosted in Verbania on the date of performing.
ART. 13 The opera plans scores and librettos may be sent back at applicants’ contribution of €25 for delivery expenses coverage on explicit request after the completion of the competition. However, in any case, one copy will be retained to be part of the score archive of the Fedora Award.
ART.14 The decisions of the Jury are unquestionable and not subject to appeal.
ART.15 The request to participate and the submission of the operas to the Competition implies the acceptance of all the rules contained in this announcement by the participant.
The non-observance of the rules of this announcement will cause the decadence of any right deriving from the result of the Competition. In case of dispute, the original Italian
version of this advertisement will be considered valid.

ART.16 Any controversy concerning this advertisement will be solved according to Court of Piemonte Rules ( Regolamento della Camera Arbitrale del Piemonte) and in case of legal controversy, it will be submitted for settlement to the Court of Piemonte (Camera Arbitrale del Piemonte) according the Court Rules.