CANZ invites submissions for the
29th Asian Composers League Conference and Festival
Taiwan, November 26–December 3, 2011
CANZ members may submit up to 2 compositions, and these will be forwarded to Taiwan. (Please note: there is no pre-selection process by CANZ – if you submit two entries to CANZ, we will submit them on your behalf to Taiwan.)
When a composition is selected to be performed in the festival, the applicant needs to provide a score and parts at no charge, and is responsible for clearing all the performance-related rights of the piece. If the composition includes traditional instruments that cannot be found in Taiwan, the applicant needs to provide the instruments for rehearsal and performing use, and to invite instrumentalists when needed.
Any compositions previously submitted to any ACL music festivals cannot be submitted to this festival. The Applicant must submit one score (copied and bound). For electroacoustic compositions, one score or guide and the system plan must be submitted.
Three categories are outlined below. For information about Category IV: The 18th ACL Young Composers Competition, please see the specific Call for Scores.
SEND SCORES/RECORDINGS (with a signed application form) TO:
ACL Festival 2011 Submission
PO Box 4065
Wellington 6140
DEADLINE (postmarked): 28 March
Category I – ACL Open Section
Orchestra: usual instrumentation with or without 1~2 traditional/western instrument soloist(s), 8~15 mins. The soloist(s) can be invited from abroad.
A: within 4444-4441-1Tp.+4Perc.-Hp.- Piano- Strings
B: within 3333-4331-1Tp.+3Perc.-Strings
Chamber Orchestra: 8~15 mins. Instrumentation should be limited within: 1111-1110-1Tp.+2Perc.-Strings
Chinese Orchestra: 8~15 mins. Instrumentation should be limited within:
2 Bangdi, 2 Qudi, 1 Sheng(S), 1 Sheng(A), 1 Sheng(B), 2 Suona(S), 1 Suona(A), 1 Suona(T), 2 Liuqin,
3 Pipa, 2 Yangqin, 3 Zhongruan, 2 Daruan, 1 Zheng, 5 Perc. Strings
Choral Music: 5~8 mins
A: a cappella composition B: with instruments accompaniment
Chamber Music: 5~13 mins
A: for 8~15 players B: for 3~7 players
Solo and Duet: 5~8 mins
Percussion Ensemble: for 3~8 percussionists, 8~13 mins
Chinese Instrumental Ensemble: for 3~8 players, 5~13 mins
Chamber Music for Chinese and Western Instruments: for 3~8 players, 8~13 mins.
Electroacoustics/Multimedia: 5~13 mins. Audio or audio-visual submissions, up to 8-channel sound system, with or without acoustic instruments (if with, no more than 3). Score, recording (CD, DVD) and guide of technical plan must be included.
Category II: Centennial Seconds
All the instrumentations under Category I, and the duration should be around 100 seconds.
ACL-Taiwan encourages composers to be innovative and think outside the box.
Category III: Music for Modern Dance
Must provide a good quality recording CD, 8~15 mins. No limitation on the instrumentations. The music could be performed before, but should not have been used in any kind of dance performances.