Encouraged by the great success of the first contests, the Catholic Parish of Saarlouis-Lisdorf has decided to organise, with the kind assistance of the town of Saarlouis, a 7. contest for Organ Compositions this year. The compositions considered admissible to the contest are those written for organ and a solo instrument chosen by the composer, organ and voice chosen by the composer, or organ and a solo instrument with voice chosen by the composer.The registered association for the promotion of music “Förderverein Klingende Kirche Saarlouis-Lisdorf” is the official organiser.The general terms, rules and conditions of the contest, the Jury, as well as the prizes, may be consulted at our internet-addresses www.klingende-kirche.de or www.saarlouiser-orgeltage.de.
Deadline 31 March 2014.